Summer School 2001:
Homological conjectures for finite dimensional algebras


We would like to invite you to attend the Summer School 2001: Homological conjectures for finite dimensional algebras. The summer school will take place from 12 to 19 August 2001 in Nordfjordeid, Norway, at the Sophus Lie conference center.

It follows the tradition of previous summer schools in representation theory. The typical participant will not be an expert on homological techniques and methods for finite dimensional algebras, but will be working in some part of algebra, and interested in jointly learning a new subject. There are no special prerequisites, beyond some familiarity with rings, modules and elementary homological algebra, but participants should be willing to prepare a lecture on some topic in advance, from a given list of topics.

During the first half of the Summer School the participants will give their lectures; during the second half there will be lectures by leading experts in the field. The following experts will speak in the workshop: Luchezar L. Avramov, USA; Edward L. Green, USA; Dieter Happel, Germany; Birge Huisgen-Zimmermann, USA; Bernard Keller, France and Claus M. Ringel, Germany.

This will be the last event in a series of four Summer Schools, supported by the TMR Programme of the European Union.

Young researchers (i.e. up to 35) from the EU and associated countries are especially invited to participate. They can apply for full support both for travel and for their local expenses. The TMR programme wishes to encourage in particular researchers whose place of work is in a less-favoured region, and women researchers.

For further details and application forms, see


or contact the organizers.

With best regards, the organizers


* * NTNU
* Fakultet
* Institutt
Ansvarligfor innhold: Informasjonsdirektøren, NTNU
Teknisk ansvarlig: Webmaster
Oppdatert: 25.5.00